Mosaic is currently in BETA
Build powerful documentation sites using our NEW scalable solution, watch this space for more developments

True to its name, Mosaic brings together several concepts—including content, design and technical infrastructure—to deliver a unified website experience that is truly greater than the sum of its individual parts.
With Mosaic, you can:
Content Aggregator
Don't move your content where it does not belong. Compose content from remote data sources which are pulled at runtime by our content aggregator.
Fully Customisable
Visualize your content with your own theme, layouts and components or use the Mosaic Design language.
Easily Extended
Extend the existing code and add your own content source types through our simple plugin architecture.
Hybrid Deployment
Publish your content through Server Side Rendering (SSR) or generate a snapshot of your content and serve it as a Statically Generated Site (SGS).
Creating a website has never been so easy!